4 Steps To Revamping Your In-Person Executive Presence


It’s time to put on some real pants. 

Yes, your sweatpants are cozy, but in-person work and work events are happening again and unless you work in a very specific industry, you’re going to need to “up your game,” so to speak. 

But it’s more than just your clothes that may need changing. You have a rare opportunity to make a new “first impression” on your boss, coworkers, employees, and well, everyone else. If you have struggled to be noticed or have been noticed for the wrong reasons, you have a second chance.

People have been thinking about themselves during the pandemic, not necessarily about you so now is the time to come back with a new and improved persona and leadership style.

People have been thinking about themselves during the pandemic, not necessarily about you so now is the time to come back with a new and improved persona and leadership style. @dabenton in 4 Steps To Revamping Your In-Person Executive… Share on X

Every Challenge Is An Opportunity (Even Pandemics)

As challenging as the pandemic has been for many people and companies, it’s also been a chance to reevaluate old ways of thinking and operating. With so many things changing in how companies operate and people interact, it’s allowed room for individuals to make their own changes.

Some have already taken advantage of this opportunity. “This pandemic sure did him good,” a client of mine said about her boss. She couldn’t put her finger on it but he seemed calmer, nicer, more agreeable, but also with a recharged energy and drive. 

Another client said he felt the pandemic was good for him. He got his priorities straight, reengaged with his wife and children and more fully respected his boss who had done a good job of keeping the team together.

4 Steps To Revamping Your In-Person Executive Presence 

If you haven’t made some changes during the “recess” you still can. As cliche as it may sound, there really is no time like the present. Here are four tips to developing (or revamping) your in-person executive presence.

  1. Come back with a more positive attitude toward work, life, and yourself in general.
  2. Walk in with good posture and a slight smile on your face.
  3. Give yourself permission to ask more questions than you previously did.
  4. Take the initiative to be different.

1. Come back with a more positive attitude toward work, life, and yourself in general.

Push the negative aside. You choose your attitude and perspective, so you might as well start choosing one that is good for you and others.

2. Walk in with good posture and a slight smile on your face. 

The good posture is to counter the hours you’ve spent hunched over your computer and the smile is to look like you have a positive attitude. When you choose to carry yourself with poise and presence, you communicate that you are confident and worth noticing.

3. Give yourself permission to ask more questions than you previously did.

Questions aren’t because you haven’t worked on getting the answers but rather to dig deeper, get clearer information, let others shine by getting to provide answers, and buy yourself some time before you talk (which makes you look confident). 

4.Take the initiative to be different.

Talk to people you normally haven’t or wouldn’t; speak up or speak out; and do what you normally haven’t done.  Leaders stand out and all you have to do is intelligently observe what most people do in any situation and do something different (without being weird). 

Leaders stand out and all you have to do is intelligently observe what most people do in any situation and do something different (without being weird). Read more at 4 Steps To Revamping Your In-Person Executive Presence Share on X

Start Fresh, Start Better

You decide how you are viewed by others. However you come back on the scene is how they will accept you. People usually have short memories of your behavior (unless it was really egregious) and they give you a clean slate. Similarly, give them a clean slate as to the past and go forward with a new leadership style. 

If you want to improve your executive presence and ability to work with others, I am here to help. Contact me to discuss executive coaching, or if you have a group of emerging leaders, for a speaking engagement.

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